
06 July 2014

Wardrobe Architect: Part 2

Onto Week 2 of Wardrobe Architect.

This week we begin defining a core style using words that describe the mood, feeling, colours we feel best in.

05 July 2014

Wardrobe Architect: Part 1

Have you heard of the Wardrobe Architect series at the Coletterie blog? It is a 14 week series they put together to help you craft your sense of style.

I went through the exercises a few weeks ago, but I wanted to record my answers here for my reference and I am interested to know if my answers change in the coming years. I recommend doing the exercises yourself, I have found the introspection to be amazingly helpful. My sewing time is productive and the things that I create get worn more because it fits my style.

Let's get started!